Contributors: (ordered alphabetically) Beatriz Esteves (IDLab, IMEC, Ghent University), Georg P. Krog (Signatu AS), Harshvardhan J. Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University). NOTE: The affiliations are informative, do not represent formal endorsements, and may be outdated as this list is generated automatically from existing data.

The EU-DGA extension extends the [[[DPV]]] to provide concepts such as entities, rights, and other relevant concepts based on the [[[DGA]]]. The canonical URL for the EU-DGA extension is, the namespace for EU-DGA terms is, the suggested prefix is eu-dga, and this document along with source and releases are available at

This work was first presented in the article "Semantics for Implementing Data Reuse and Altruism under EU's Data Governance Act" by Beatriz Esteves, Victor Rodriguez Doncel, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, and Dave Lewis.

DPV v2.1-RC feedback/review period until FEB-16 The DPVCG welcomes feedback and review on the v2.1 Release Candidate containing DPV and related specifications until FEB-16, after which, these documents will be published unless unresolved major issues have been identified. Feedback/review can be e.g., suggestions for improvements, fixing grammar/typos, additional information and references, and technical changes to files. The DPVCG shall discuss all submitted feedback and will resolve in through the weekly meetings. To see what is included in v2.1 and a changelog, refer to this link.

DPV Specifications: The [[DPV]] is the core specification within the DPV family, with the following extensions: Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]] and [[AI]], [[JUSTIFICATIONS]], [[SECTOR]] specific extensions, and [[LEGAL]] extensions modelling specific jurisdictions and regulations. A [[PRIMER]] introduces the concepts and modelling of DPV specifications, and [[GUIDES]] describe application of DPV for specific applications and use-cases. The Search Index page provides a searchable hierarchy of all concepts. The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) develops and manages these specifications through GitHub. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

To cite and understand the structure of DPV, the article "Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2.0" (2024) describes the current state of DPV and extensions from version 2.0 onwards (open access version here). The earlier article "Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy" (2019) describes how the DPV was developed (open access versions here, here, and here).

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.


This extension provides concepts relevant for the implementation of EU's [[[DGA]]]. The DGA promotes availability of data and encourages its sharing and reuse through novel mechanisms such as 'data intermediaries' and 'data altruism'. It also provides specific rights, and requires implementation details such as specific technical measures in order to ensure such sharing and altruistic (re-)uses of data are compliant with existing regulations, such as [[GDPR]], and respect rights and freedoms.

This extension provides the following concepts defined or required by the DGA:


Entities in the [[DGA]] are defined by extending the dpv:LegalEntity concept, and are associated with using the relation dpv:hasEntity. DGA's entities are different from 'legal roles' in GDPR's use of 'controllers' and 'processors' as the DGA entities are established with a specific role and purpose. For example, a 'Data Co-operative' is a legal entity which is established to provide the data co-operative services - namely for intermediation and exercise of rights.


The [[DGA]] defines and regulates several 'services', such as those for data intermediation and altruism. To represent these, the concept dpv:Service is extended. Services can be associated using the relation dpv:hasService.


The [[DGA]] requires the creation and maintenance of specific registers or registries, such as those for data altruistic organisations. These are represented by extending the concept dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities. Membership of the registry can be expressed using the concept dpv:hasEntity, or even through use of [[SKOS]] collections.

Tech/Org Measures

The specific technical and organisational measures defined or implied in the [[DGA]] are defined by extending the dpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure concepts. These can be associated by using the relations dpv:hasTechnicalMeasure and dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure. In addition to these, if a measure has legal enforcement, then the concept dpv:LegalMeasure and relation dpv:hasLegalMeasure can be used.


The concepts in this section reflect the status of processing operations being in compliance with DGA, by extending the ComplianceStatus from DPV for DGA. It does not define the requirements for compliance itself. To indicate these, the relation dpv:hasLawfulness can be used.

Vocabulary Index


Art 12(e) Data Exchange Approval

Term A12-e-Exchange-Approval Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 12(e) Data Exchange Approval
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition Explicit request or approval of the data subject or data holder to utilise additional specific tools for the purposes of facilitating exchange of data
Source DGA 12.e
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

Art 2(6) Permission

Term A2-6-Permission Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 2(6) Permission
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition The legal basis justifying processing of non-personal data based on the permission of an entity
Source DGA 2.6
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

A27 Right to Lodge Complaint

Term A27 Prefix eu-dga
Label A27 Right to Lodge Complaint
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Right
Broader/Parent types dpv:Right
Object of relation dpv:hasRight
Definition Right of natural and legal persons to lodge a complaint
Date Created 2024-02-14
Date Modified 2024-12-17
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LEGAL-RIGHTS in EU-DGA

Impact on A27 Right to Lodge Complaint

Term A27-Impact Prefix eu-dga
Label Impact on A27 Right to Lodge Complaint
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DGARightsImpactrisk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or is considered as an impact on Right of natural and legal persons to lodge a complaint
Date Created 2024-12-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RIGHTS-IMPACTS in EU-DGA

A28 Right to an effective judicial remedy

Term A28 Prefix eu-dga
Label A28 Right to an effective judicial remedy
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Right
Broader/Parent types dpv:Right
Object of relation dpv:hasRight
Definition Right of affected natural and legal persons to an effective judicial remedy
Usage Note The right is scoped to legally binding decisions referred to in Article 14 taken by the competent authorities for data intermediation services in the management, control and enforcement of the notification regime for data intermediation services providers and legally binding decisions referred to in Articles 19 and 24 taken by the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations in the monitoring of recognised data altruism organisations
Date Created 2024-12-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LEGAL-RIGHTS in EU-DGA

A28-3 Right to Impartial Review

Term A28-3 Prefix eu-dga
Label A28-3 Right to Impartial Review
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Right
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:A28dpv:Right
Object of relation dpv:hasRight
Definition Right of natural and legal persons to get a review by an impartial body with the appropriate expertise
Date Created 2024-02-14
Date Modified 2024-12-17
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LEGAL-RIGHTS in EU-DGA

Impact on A28-3 Right to Impartial Review

Term A28-3-Impact Prefix eu-dga
Label Impact on A28-3 Right to Impartial Review
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:A28-Impacteu-dga:DGARightsImpactrisk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or is considered as an impact on Right of natural and legal persons to get a review by an impartial body with the appropriate expertise
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RIGHTS-IMPACTS in EU-DGA

Impact on A28 Right to an effective judicial remedy

Term A28-Impact Prefix eu-dga
Label Impact on A28 Right to an effective judicial remedy
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DGARightsImpactrisk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or is considered as an impact on Right of affected natural and legal persons to an effective judicial remedy
Date Created 2024-12-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RIGHTS-IMPACTS in EU-DGA

Art 31(2) Data Transfer International Agreement

Term A31-2-Transfer-Agreement Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 31(2) Data Transfer International Agreement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:DataTransferLegalBasisdpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition Data Transfer International Agreement
Source DGA 31.2
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

Art 31(3) Data Transfer Third Country Judgement

Term A31-3-Third-Country-Judgement Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 31(3) Data Transfer Third Country Judgement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:DataTransferLegalBasisdpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition Data Transfer Third Country Judgement
Source DGA 31.3
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

Art 5(11) Model Contractual Clauses

Term A5-11-MCC Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 5(11) Model Contractual Clauses
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:DataTransferLegalBasisdpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition Model Contractual Clauses
Source DGA 5.11
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

Art 5(12) Adequacy Decision

Term A5-12-Adequacy-Decision Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 5(12) Adequacy Decision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:DataTransferLegalBasisdpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition Adequacy Decision permitting the transfer of data
Source DGA 5.12
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

Art 5(9) Permission for Transfer

Term A5-9-Transfer-Permission Prefix eu-dga
Label Art 5(9) Permission for Transfer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:LegalBasis
Broader/Parent types dpv:DataTransferLegalBasisdpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition The legal basis justifying processing of non-personal data based on the permission of an entity to transfer data
Source DGA 5.9
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section LEGAL-BASIS in EU-DGA

A9-2 Right to Redress

Term A9-2 Prefix eu-dga
Label A9-2 Right to Redress
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Right
Broader/Parent types dpv:Right
Object of relation dpv:hasRight
Definition Right of redress for a natural or legal person directly affected by a decision regarding reuse (A9-1), in the Member State where the relevant body is located
Date Created 2024-12-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LEGAL-RIGHTS in EU-DGA

Impact on A9-2 Right to Redress

Term A9-2-Impact Prefix eu-dga
Label Impact on A9-2 Right to Redress
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DGARightsImpactrisk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or is considered as an impact on Right of redress for a natural or legal person directly affected by a decision regarding reuse (A9-1), in the Member State where the relevant body is located
Date Created 2024-12-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RIGHTS-IMPACTS in EU-DGA

Public Register of Data Altruism Organisations

Term DAORegister Prefix eu-dga
Label Public Register of Data Altruism Organisations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Definition Registry containing list of recognised data altruism organisations
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section REGISTERS in EU-DGA

EU's Public Register of Data Altruism Organisations

Term DAORegisterEU Prefix eu-dga
Label EU's Public Register of Data Altruism Organisations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Definition Registry maintained by EU containing list of recognised data altruism organisations
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section REGISTERS in EU-DGA

National Public Register of Data Altruism Organisations

Term DAORegisterNational Prefix eu-dga
Label National Public Register of Data Altruism Organisations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Definition Registry maintained at National level containing list of recognised data altruism organisations
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section REGISTERS in EU-DGA

Data Altruism Annual Activity Report

Term DataAltruismAnnualReport Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Altruism Annual Activity Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Document containing the annual activities reported by a Data Altruism organisation
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data Altruism Authority

Term DataAltruismAuthority Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Altruism Authority
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Authoritydpv:GovernmentalOrganisationdpv:Organisationdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasAuthority, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:hasSubsidiary, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, dpv:isSubsidiaryOf, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An authority tasked with overseeing the activity of data altruism organisations and maintaining a public register of said entities
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Data Altruism Notice

Term DataAltruismNotice Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Altruism Notice
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:Noticedpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasNotice, dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Notice providing information regarding the processing of data for data altruistic purposes
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data Altruism Organisation

Term DataAltruismOrganisation Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Altruism Organisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:NonProfitOrganisationdpv:Organisationdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:hasSubsidiary, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, dpv:isSubsidiaryOf, eu-dga:hasDAO, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An non-profit organisation who collects and shares data for altruistic purposes
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Record of Data Altruism Activity

Term DataAltruismRecord Prefix eu-dga
Label Record of Data Altruism Activity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Document that logs the activity of the data altruism organisation
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data Asset List

Term DataAssetList Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Asset List
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Searchable asset list which contains available data resources including their data format and size and the conditions for their re-use
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data Cooperative

Term DataCooperative Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Cooperative
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DISPdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDISP, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity constituted by data subjects, one-person undertakings or SMEs who provides data intermediation services and supports its members in the exercise of their data-related rights
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Data Cooperative Service

Term DataCooperativeService Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Cooperative Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DataIntermediationServicedpv:Servicedpv:Process
Object of relation dpv:hasProcess, dpv:hasService
Definition Service provided by a data cooperative
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section SERVICES in EU-DGA

Data Holder

Term DataHolder Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Holder
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDataHolder, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who has the right to grant access to or to share certain personal data or non-personal data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Authority

Term DataIntermediationAuthority Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Authority
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Authoritydpv:GovernmentalOrganisationdpv:Organisationdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasAuthority, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:hasSubsidiary, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, dpv:isSubsidiaryOf, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An authority tasked with overseeing the activity of data intermediation service providers and maintaining a public register of said entities
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Record of Data Intermediation Activity

Term DataIntermediationRecord Prefix eu-dga
Label Record of Data Intermediation Activity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Document that logs the activity of the data intermediation service provider
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service

Term DataIntermediationService Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Servicedpv:Process
Object of relation dpv:hasProcess, dpv:hasService
Definition Service of data intermediation which aims to facilitate the sharing of data between Data Subjects, Data Holders and Data Users
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section SERVICES in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service between Data Holders and Data Users

Term DataIntermediationServiceBetweenHoldersUsers Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service between Data Holders and Data Users
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DataIntermediationServicedpv:Servicedpv:Process
Object of relation dpv:hasProcess, dpv:hasService
Definition Data intermediation service for data shared between Data Holders and Data Users
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section SERVICES in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service between Data Subjects and Data Users

Term DataIntermediationServiceBetweenSubjectsUsers Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service between Data Subjects and Data Users
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DataIntermediationServicedpv:Servicedpv:Process
Object of relation dpv:hasProcess, dpv:hasService
Definition Data intermediation service for data shared between Data Subjects, Natural Persons who are Data Holders and Data Users
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section SERVICES in EU-DGA

Data Reuse Assistant

Term DataReuseAssistant Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Reuse Assistant
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDataReuseAssistant
Definition An entity designated by the Member State to provide technical support and guidance to public sector bodies regarding access and reuse of data and for requesting consent and permissions
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Data Reuse Request

Term DataReuseRequest Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Reuse Request
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Procedure to handle requests and provide data for reuse via single information point
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data User

Term DataUser Prefix eu-dga
Label Data User
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDataUser, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who has access and the right to use personal or non-personal data for commercial or non-commercial purposes
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

DGA Compliance Unknown

Term DGAComplianceUnknown Prefix eu-dga
Label DGA Compliance Unknown
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Lawfulness
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DGALawfulnessdpv:Lawfulnessdpv:ComplianceStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasComplianceStatus, dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasLawfulness, dpv:hasStatus
Definition State where lawfulness or compliance with DGA is unknown
Date Created 2024-07-21
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMPLIANCE in EU-DGA

DGA Compliant

Term DGACompliant Prefix eu-dga
Label DGA Compliant
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Lawfulness
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DGALawfulnessdpv:Lawfulnessdpv:ComplianceStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasComplianceStatus, dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasLawfulness, dpv:hasStatus
Definition State of being lawful or legally compliant for DGA
Date Created 2024-07-21
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMPLIANCE in EU-DGA

DGA Lawfulness

Term DGALawfulness Prefix eu-dga
Label DGA Lawfulness
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Lawfulness
Broader/Parent types dpv:Lawfulnessdpv:ComplianceStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasComplianceStatus, dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasLawfulness, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status or state associated with being lawful or legally compliant regarding DGA
Date Created 2024-07-21
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMPLIANCE in EU-DGA

DGA Non-compliant

Term DGANonCompliant Prefix eu-dga
Label DGA Non-compliant
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Lawfulness
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DGALawfulnessdpv:Lawfulnessdpv:ComplianceStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasComplianceStatus, dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasLawfulness, dpv:hasStatus
Definition State of being unlawful or legally non-compliant for DGA
Date Created 2024-07-21
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMPLIANCE in EU-DGA

DGA Rights Impact

Term DGARightsImpact Prefix eu-dga
Label DGA Rights Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or is considered as an impact on one or more rights defined by DGA
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RIGHTS-IMPACTS in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service Provider

Term DISP Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDISP, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who establishes commercial relationships for the data sharing between data subjects and data holders on the one hand and data users on the other
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

EU Approval for Data Intermediation Service Provider

Term DISPEUApproval Prefix eu-dga
Label EU Approval for Data Intermediation Service Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:CertificationSealdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Confirmation and approval by a competent authority for the Data Intermediation Service Provider's compliance with Article 11 and Article 12 of the DGA
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service Provider for Data Holder

Term DISPForDataHolder Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service Provider for Data Holder
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DISPdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDISP, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who makes data holders' data available for potential data users, including bilateral or multilateral exchanges of data and platforms and databases for the joint exploitation of data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service Provider for Data Subject

Term DISPForDataSubject Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service Provider for Data Subject
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:DISPdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-dga:hasDISP, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who makes data subjects' personal data available for potential data users
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Data Intermediation Service Notification

Term DISPNotice Prefix eu-dga
Label Data Intermediation Service Notification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:Noticedpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasNotice, dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Notification by a Data Intermediation Service Provider to a competent authority concerning changes to details regarding its Data Intermediation Service
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Public Register of Data Intermediation Service Providers

Term DISPRegister Prefix eu-dga
Label Public Register of Data Intermediation Service Providers
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicRegisterOfEntities
Definition Document that contains a publicly available list of data intermediation service providers
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section REGISTERS in EU-DGA

European Data Altruism Consent Form

Term EUDataAltruismConsentForm Prefix eu-dga
Label European Data Altruism Consent Form
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:ConsentManagementdpv:PermissionManagementdpv:RightsManagementdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A form provided by the European Commission for collecting consent
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

European Data Innovation Board

Term EuropeanDataInnovationBoard Prefix eu-dga
Label European Data Innovation Board
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:SupraNationalAuthoritydpv:Authoritydpv:GovernmentalOrganisationdpv:Organisationdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasAuthority, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:hasSubsidiary, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, dpv:isSubsidiaryOf, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An authority tasked with overseeing the activities of data intermediation service providers and data altruism organisations
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

EU Single Information Point Provider

Term EUSIPProvider Prefix eu-dga
Label EU Single Information Point Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:SIPProviderdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who is responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the reuse of public data in the EU
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Legal Representative

Term LegalRepresentative Prefix eu-dga
Label Legal Representative
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Representativedpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasRepresentative, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition Legal Representative' means a natural or legal person established in the Union explicitly designated to act on behalf of a data intermediation services provider or an entity that collects data for objectives of general interest made available by natural or legal persons on the basis of data altruism not established in the Union, which may be addressed by the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations in addition to or instead of the data intermediation services provider or entity with regard to the obligations under this Regulation, including with regard to initiating enforcement proceedings against a non-compliant data intermediation services provider or entity not established in the Union
Date Created 2025-01-01
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Local Single Information Point Provider

Term LocalSIPProvider Prefix eu-dga
Label Local Single Information Point Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:SIPProviderdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition A local entity who is responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the reuse of public data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

National Data Altruism Policy

Term NationalDataAltruismPolicy Prefix eu-dga
Label National Data Altruism Policy
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:Policydpv:GovernanceProceduresdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasPolicy, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A Policy established at National level regarding Data Altruism
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

National Single Information Point Provider

Term NationalSIPProvider Prefix eu-dga
Label National Single Information Point Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:SIPProviderdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition A national entity who is responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the reuse of public data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Personal Data Reuse Notice

Term PersonalDataReuseNotice Prefix eu-dga
Label Personal Data Reuse Notice
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:ConsentNoticedpv:PrivacyNoticedpv:Noticedpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasNotice, dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Notice for data subjects to provide consent based on information and advise regarding intended use of data, exercise of rights, and applicable terms and conditions
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Public Law Governed Body

Term PublicLawGovernedBody Prefix eu-dga
Label Public Law Governed Body
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition Public Law Governed Body' or 'Body Governed by Public Law' means bodies that have the following characteristics: (a) they are established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, and do not have an industrial or commercial character; (b) they have legal personality; (c) they are financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law, are subject to management supervision by those authorities or bodies, or have an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law;
Date Created 2025-01-01
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Public Sector Body

Term PublicSectorBody Prefix eu-dga
Label Public Sector Body
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicSectorBodydpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition ‘Public Sector Body’ means the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law or associations formed by one or more such authorities, or one or more such bodies governed by public law
Date Created 2025-01-01
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Regional Single Information Point Provider

Term RegionalSIPProvider Prefix eu-dga
Label Regional Single Information Point Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:SIPProviderdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition A regional entity who is responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the reuse of public data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Sectorial Single Information Point Provider

Term SectorialSIPProvider Prefix eu-dga
Label Sectorial Single Information Point Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types eu-dga:SIPProviderdpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who is responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the reuse of public data for a particular sector
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Secure Processing Environment

Term SecureProcessingEnvironment Prefix eu-dga
Label Secure Processing Environment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:TechnicalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:SecureProcessingEnvironmentdpv:SecurityProceduredpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Physical or virtual environment to ensure compliance with EU law and allow the entity providing the secure processing environment to determine and supervise all data processing actions
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA

Single Information Point (SIP)

Term SingleInformationPoint Prefix eu-dga
Label Single Information Point (SIP)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Servicedpv:Process
Object of relation dpv:hasProcess, dpv:hasService
Definition Service responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the re-use of public data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section SERVICES in EU-DGA

Single Information Point Provider

Term SIPProvider Prefix eu-dga
Label Single Information Point Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity who is responsible for receiving and transmitting requests for the reuse of public data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

Third Country Data Request Notice

Term ThirdCountryDataRequestNotice Prefix eu-dga
Label Third Country Data Request Notice
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:DataTransferNoticedpv:Noticedpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasNotice, dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Notice regarding a request of a third-country administrative authority to access data
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section TOMS in EU-DGA


has data altruism organisation

Term hasDAO Prefix eu-dga
Label has data altruism organisation
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasEntity
Sub-property of dpv:hasEntity
Range includes eu-dga:DataAltruismOrganisation
Definition Indicates association with data altruism organisation
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

has data holder

Term hasDataHolder Prefix eu-dga
Label has data holder
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasEntity
Sub-property of dpv:hasEntity
Range includes eu-dga:DataHolder
Definition Indicates association with data holder
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

has data reuse assistant

Term hasDataReuseAssistant Prefix eu-dga
Label has data reuse assistant
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasEntity
Sub-property of dpv:hasEntity
Range includes eu-dga:DataReuseAssistant
Definition Indicates association with competent body designated by the Member State to assist Public Bodies in activities related to data reuse
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

has data user

Term hasDataUser Prefix eu-dga
Label has data user
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasEntity
Sub-property of dpv:hasEntity
Range includes eu-dga:DataUser
Definition Indicates association with data user
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

has data intermediation service provider

Term hasDISP Prefix eu-dga
Label has data intermediation service provider
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasEntity
Sub-property of dpv:hasEntity
Range includes eu-dga:DISP
Definition Indicates association with data intermediation service provider
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-DGA

DPV uses the following terms from [[RDF]] and [[RDFS]] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:


Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Beatriz Esteves have received funding through the PROTECT ITN Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813497. Beatriz Esteves is funded by SolidLab Vlaanderen (Flemish Government, EWI and RRF project VV023/10), and by the imec.icon project PACSOI (HBC.2023.0752) which was co-financed by imec and VLAIO.

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit and Dave Lewis have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.

Changelog for v2.1