The AI extension extends the [[[DPV]]] and its [[[TECH]]] extension to represent AI techniques, applications, risks, and mitigations. The namespace for terms in ai is The suggested prefix for the namespace is ai. The AI vocabulary and its documentation are available on GitHub.

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.

DPV and Related Resources

[[[DPV]]]: is the base/core specification for the 'Data Privacy Vocabulary', which is extended for Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]], and [[AI]]. Specific [[LEGAL]] extensions are also provided which model jurisdiction specific regulations and concepts . To support understanding and applications of [[DPV]], various guides and resources [[GUIDES]] are provided, including a [[PRIMER]]. A Search Index of all concepts from DPV and extensions is available.

[[DPV]] and related resources are published on GitHub. For a general overview of the Data Protection Vocabularies and Controls Community Group [[DPVCG]], its history, deliverables, and activities - refer to DPVCG Website. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

The peer-reviewed article “Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy” presents a historical overview of the DPVCG, and describes the methodology and structure of the DPV along with describing its creation. An open-access version can be accessed here, here, and here. The article Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2, accepted for presentation at the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024), describes the changes made in DPV v2.

Core Concepts

Overview of AI extension

The [[[AI]]] extension is currently under development. It further extends the [[TECH]] extension to represent concepts associated with AI, and will provide:

The AI extension will be created based on the existing AI Risk Ontology (AIRO) and Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR), as well as the [[[AIAct]]], [[[ISO-22989]]], and the AI Watch taxonomy.


See examples of Techniques in VAIR.


See examples of Capabilities in VAIR.


See examples of Risks in VAIR.


Note: These are intended to represent bias concepts specific to AI development and use, and do not contain general bias concepts which exist in other contexts e.g. applicable for any technology. The Risk extension contains the general set of concepts that this vocabulary extends to represent biases that are specific to the development and use of AI.

  • ai:DataBias: Bias that occurs due to unaddressed data properties that lead to AI systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
    • ai:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs from aggregating data covering different groups of objects that might have different statistical distributions which introduce bias into the data used to train AI systems go to full definition
    • ai:DataLabelsAndLabellingProcessBias: Bias that occurs due to the labelling process itself introducing societal or cognitive biases go to full definition
    • ai:DistributedTrainingBias: Bias that occurs due to distributed machine having different sources of data that do not have the same distribution of feature space go to full definition
    • ai:MissingFeaturesAndLabelsBias: Bias that occurs when features are missing from individual training samples go to full definition
    • ai:NonRepresentativeSamplingBias: Bias that occurs if a dataset is not representative of the intended deployment environment, where the model learns biases based on the ways in which the data is non-representative go to full definition
  • ai:EngineeringDecisionBias: Bias that occurs due to machine learning model architectures - encompassing all model specifications, parameters and manually designed features go to full definition
    • ai:AlgorithmSelectionBias: Bias that occurs from the selection of machine learning algorithms built into the AI system which introduce unwanted bias in predictions made by the system because the type of algorithm used introduces a variation in the performance of the ML model go to full definition
    • ai:FeatureEngineeringBias: Bias that occurs from steps such as encoding, data type conversion, dimensionality reduction and feature selection which are subject to choices made by the AI developer and introduce bias in the ML model go to full definition
    • ai:HyperparameterTuningBias: Bias that occurs from hyperparameters defining how the model is structured and which cannot be directly trained from the data like model parameters, where hyperparameters affect the model functioning and accuracy of the model go to full definition
    • ai:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs or some groups, the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to learn and where a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data go to full definition
    • ai:ModelBias: Bias that occurs when ML uses functions like a maximum likelihood estimator to determine parameters, and there is data skew or under-representation present in the data, where the maximum likelihood estimation tends to amplify any underlying bias in the distribution go to full definition
    • ai:ModelInteractionBias: Bias that occurs from the structure of a model to create biased predictions go to full definition
      • ai:ModelExpressivenessBias: Bias that occurs from the number and nature of parameters in a model as well as the neural network topology which affect the expressiveness of the model and any feature that affects model expressiveness differently across groups go to full definition

Risk Measures

See examples of Risk Measures in VAIR.

Vocabulary Index


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Term AI Prefix ai
Label Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A technical and scientific field devoted to the engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives
Usage Note This concept is a stub
Date Created 2024-04-28
See More: section CORE in AI

AI Bias

Term AIBias Prefix ai
Label AI Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Bias
Definition Bias associated with development, use, or other activities involving an AI technology or system
Date Created 2024-09-18
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

AI System

Term AISystem Prefix ai
Label AI System
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition OECD 2024 definition: An AI system is a machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment. ISO/IEC 22989:2023 definition: engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives
Source OECD, ISO/IEC 22989:2023
Date Created 2024-05-17
See More: section CORE in AI

Algorithm Selection Bias

Term AlgorithmSelectionBias Prefix ai
Label Algorithm Selection Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from the selection of machine learning algorithms built into the AI system which introduce unwanted bias in predictions made by the system because the type of algorithm used introduces a variation in the performance of the ML model
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Automation Bias

Term AutomationBias Prefix ai
Label Automation Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBias
Definition Bias tha occurs due to propensity for humans to favour suggestions from automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI


Term Capability Prefix ai
Label Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Capability or use of AI to achieve a technical goal or objective
Usage Note This concept is a stub
Date Created 2024-04-28
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Data Aggregation Bias

Term DataAggregationBias Prefix ai
Label Data Aggregation Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from aggregating data covering different groups of objects that might have different statistical distributions which introduce bias into the data used to train AI systems
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Data Bias

Term DataBias Prefix ai
Label Data Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to unaddressed data properties that lead to AI systems that perform better or worse for different groups
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Data Labels And Labelling Process Bias

Term DataLabelsAndLabellingProcessBias Prefix ai
Label Data Labels And Labelling Process Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to the labelling process itself introducing societal or cognitive biases
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Distributed Training Bias

Term DistributedTrainingBias Prefix ai
Label Distributed Training Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to distributed machine having different sources of data that do not have the same distribution of feature space
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Engineering Decision Bias

Term EngineeringDecisionBias Prefix ai
Label Engineering Decision Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to machine learning model architectures - encompassing all model specifications, parameters and manually designed features
Usage Note Data bias and human cognitive bias can contribute to such bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Feature Engineering Bias

Term FeatureEngineeringBias Prefix ai
Label Feature Engineering Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from steps such as encoding, data type conversion, dimensionality reduction and feature selection which are subject to choices made by the AI developer and introduce bias in the ML model
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Hyperparameter Tuning Bias

Term HyperparameterTuningBias Prefix ai
Label Hyperparameter Tuning Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from hyperparameters defining how the model is structured and which cannot be directly trained from the data like model parameters, where hyperparameters affect the model functioning and accuracy of the model
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Informativeness Bias

Term InformativenessBias Prefix ai
Label Informativeness Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs or some groups, the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to learn and where a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data
Usage Note This can happen when some features are highly informative about one group, while a different set of features is highly informative about another group. If this is the case, then a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI


Term Measure Prefix ai
Label Measure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure
Definition Measure to address risk associated with AI Systems
Usage Note This concept is a stub
Date Created 2024-04-28
See More: section MEASURES in AI

Missing Features And Labels Bias

Term MissingFeaturesAndLabelsBias Prefix ai
Label Missing Features And Labels Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs when features are missing from individual training samples
Usage Note If the frequency of missing features is higher for one group than another then this presents another vector for bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI


Term Model Prefix ai
Label Model
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Physical, mathematical or otherwise logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, process or data
Date Created 2024-05-17
See More: section CORE in AI

Model Bias

Term ModelBias Prefix ai
Label Model Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs when ML uses functions like a maximum likelihood estimator to determine parameters, and there is data skew or under-representation present in the data, where the maximum likelihood estimation tends to amplify any underlying bias in the distribution
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Model Expressiveness Bias

Term ModelExpressivenessBias Prefix ai
Label Model Expressiveness Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:ModelInteractionBiasai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from the number and nature of parameters in a model as well as the neural network topology which affect the expressiveness of the model and any feature that affects model expressiveness differently across groups
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Model Interaction Bias

Term ModelInteractionBias Prefix ai
Label Model Interaction Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from the structure of a model to create biased predictions
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI

Non-Representative Sampling Bias

Term NonRepresentativeSamplingBias Prefix ai
Label Non-Representative Sampling Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs if a dataset is not representative of the intended deployment environment, where the model learns biases based on the ways in which the data is non-representative
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty
See More: section BIAS in AI


Term Risk Prefix ai
Label Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Riskdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation dpv:hasRisk, dpv:isResidualRiskOf, dpv:mitigatesRisk
Definition Risk associated with development, use, or operation of AI systems
Usage Note This concept is a stub
Date Created 2024-04-28
See More: section RISKS in AI


Term Technique Prefix ai
Label Technique
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Techniques for using or applying AI
Usage Note This concept is a stub
Date Created 2024-04-28
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI


DPV uses the following terms from [[RDF]] and [[RDFS]] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:



The following people have contributed to this vocabulary. The names are ordered alphabetically. The affiliations are informative do not represent formal endorsements. Affiliations may be outdated. The list is generated automatically from the contributors listed for defined concepts.

Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Delaram Golpayegani have received funding through the PROTECT ITN Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813497.

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit and Delaram Golpayegani have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.