Contributors: (ordered alphabetically) Daniel Doherty (Trinity College Dublin), Delaram Golpayegani (ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin), Harshvardhan J. Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University). NOTE: The affiliations are informative, do not represent formal endorsements, and may be outdated as this list is generated automatically from existing data.

The AI extension extends the [[[DPV]]] and its [[[TECH]]] extension to represent AI techniques, applications, risks, and mitigations. The namespace for terms in ai is The suggested prefix for the namespace is ai. The AI vocabulary and its documentation are available on GitHub.

DPV v2.1-RC feedback/review period until FEB-16 The DPVCG welcomes feedback and review on the v2.1 Release Candidate containing DPV and related specifications until FEB-16, after which, these documents will be published unless unresolved major issues have been identified. Feedback/review can be e.g., suggestions for improvements, fixing grammar/typos, additional information and references, and technical changes to files. The DPVCG shall discuss all submitted feedback and will resolve in through the weekly meetings. To see what is included in v2.1 and a changelog, refer to this link.

DPV Specifications: The [[DPV]] is the core specification within the DPV family, with the following extensions: Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]] and [[AI]], [[JUSTIFICATIONS]], [[SECTOR]] specific extensions, and [[LEGAL]] extensions modelling specific jurisdictions and regulations. A [[PRIMER]] introduces the concepts and modelling of DPV specifications, and [[GUIDES]] describe application of DPV for specific applications and use-cases. The Search Index page provides a searchable hierarchy of all concepts. The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) develops and manages these specifications through GitHub. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

To cite and understand the structure of DPV, the article "Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2.0" (2024) describes the current state of DPV and extensions from version 2.0 onwards (open access version here). The earlier article "Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy" (2019) describes how the DPV was developed (open access versions here, here, and here).

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.

Core Concepts

Overview of AI extension

The [[[AI]]] extension further extends the [[TECH]] extension to represent concepts specifically associated with development, use, and operation of AI, and provides:

The AI extension is created based on the following sources:

  1. [[[ISO-22989]]]
  2. ISO/IEC 23894:2023 Artificial Intelligence — Guidance on Risk Management
  3. [[[AIAct]]], which is also supported by the [[EU-AIAct]] extension for DPV
  4. AI Watch taxonomy
  5. AI Risk Ontology (AIRO) and Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR) which have been integrated in DPV v2.1

AI as a specific Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a category of Technology that exhibits or satisfies specific behaviour. While the exact definition of what constitutes 'AI' continues to be a subject of debate and regulation, we focus on the generally understood use of 'AI technologies' and thereby provide this extension to represent information about them in terms of developing and using them, and describing other relevant information about AI such as the specific risks involved and relevant mitigations and measures, documentation, involved data, and a description of the underlying technology itself in terms of specific operations and functions. As there is no consistent vocabulary or standard which is used uniformly within this domain, the concepts provided in this extension represent the specific way the DPVCG has chosen to represent information about AI technologies.

The AI extension is based on the modelling of technologies in DPV vocabularies. For this reason, it extends the [[TECH]] extension, and only provides AI-specific concepts in this extension. For example, the entity that is the developer of an AI system is represented by the same concept as the developer of any technology through the `tech:Developer` concept. If and when we identify AI-specific actors and roles, those will be defined in this extension by extending the relevant DPV and TECH entities.

Conceptual Model

Overview of the conceptual model for how AI is described as a technology in DPV and AI extension. The notes provide an example showing how the process of unlocking a phone for identity authentication is described using DPV, and the details of how this functions at a technical level is provided through the concepts in AI extension.

The concept [=AI=] and its corresponding relation [=hasAI=] represent the broad and generic concept of 'AI' and its use in different contexts. For example, AI might be used to refer to a specific technical algorithm (e.g. conventional computer science use of AI), or a way of automating specific tasks (e.g. business process use of AI), or to describe a process where AI is used in part (e.g. marketing use of AI). To explicitly and accurately describe what is involved in 'AI', we provide further granular additional concepts based on a 'three-layer approach' consisting of [=Technique=] and [=Capability=] for describing the technical implementation and goals, and 'Purpose' (represented by `dpv:Purpose`) for describing the broader aim of the process.

[=Technique=] represents the underlying 'technique' or 'algorithm', for example [=MachineLearning=] or its specific forms [=NeuralNetwork=] and [=SupervisedLearning=]. It is a technical detail that does not have a specific goal or purpose in the implementation, and which is applied in different contexts to achieve different outcomes.

[=Capability=] refers to the use of a technique to achieve or perform a (technical) goal or objective. It describes what the technology is 'capable' of doing in terms of a 'technical goal'. For example, [=FaceRecognition=] is a capability for using some underlying [=Technique=] to achieve its goal of recognising faces. However, by itself, we still don't know why facial recognition is being used or developed within the process. This is where `dpv:Purpose` then describes the broader goal or aim for not just the use of AI but also other contextual information such as data, people, entities - such as to state this is being done for identity verification and enforcement of security.

The separation of concepts in this manner also allows for an efficient and accurate representation of how AI technologies are developed and applied in practice. For example, _Entity1_ develops a algorithmic framework to ingest data and perform some statistical operations on it - this is represented as a [=Technique=]. This framework is then taken by _Entity2_ who uses it towards generating content - this is represented as a [=Capability=]. It then puts this on the market as a product. _Entity3_ then uses this product to provide a service to its customers in terms of recommendations - this is represented as a `dpv:Purpose`. In its knowledge graph, _Entity3_ records that it uses a technology with the relevant AI capability, while the knowledge graph of _Entity2_ represents that it uses the framework produced by _Entity1_.


[=Technique=] represents the underlying technical implementation, and is associated using [=hasTechnique=]. It represents the lowest level of technical details within the conceptual model used in this extension to describe 'AI technology'. By itself, a technique is not sufficient to describe what the AI technology is being used for, but it is useful to express how the AI technology functions.

An implementation of AI technology can be developed only based on a technique - for example as a library or as a framework that can be reused by others. Therefore, a technique can act as a component of a larger AI system where it represents a particular method for implementing something. A technique can also involve the use of other techniques in a composite or combined manner.


[=Capability=] represents the use of a technique to achieve some technical goal or objective, and is associated using [=hasCapability=]. It represents the middle level of technical details within the conceptual model used in this extension to describe 'AI technology'. By itself, a capability it not useful to describe what the end-goal of using the AI technology is, but it is useful to describe what the AI technology is used for in context of achieving an end-goal.

An implementation of AI technology can be developed with a capability - for example as a service or as a software, which can be used in a stand-alone manner or be integrated in to a larger AI system. Therefore, AI capabilities can occur as both components and systems, and be involved in processes directly or indirectly in this manner. A capability can also involve the use of other capabilities in a composite or combined manner.

AI Systems and Models

[=AISystem=] is defined by ISO/IEC 22989:2023 as "An engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives", and by OECD as "A machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment." Or simply, it represents a 'system' which uses 'AI technologies'.

The property [=hasAISystem=] associates the use of an AI system in context. It is a specialised form of `dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology` which indicates that a process is being implemented through the use of the stated technology. The components of an AI system can be described through the use of concepts provided in this ([[AI]]) extension as well as through the [[TECH]] extension.

[=Model=] is defined as "a physical, mathematical or otherwise logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, process or data involving the use of AI techniques". Or simply, it represents a 'model' of something using 'AI technologies'. The property [=hasModel=] associates a model with a context, such as to indicate a particular AI system utilises the specified model. To specifically represent General-Purpose AI (GPAI) models, the concept [=GPAIModel=] and relation [=hasGPAIModel=] are provided.

The below taxonomy provides additional concepts based on categorisation of [=AISystem=] and [=Model=] in different contexts.

The DPVCG is interested in the modelling of 'Agents' in the context of AI technologies, including how they interact with systems and other agents, and how they operate through the use of AI technologies. For this, we welcome proposals and participation.


The concept [=Data=] is a broad generic term for describing data involved in the context of AI technology. At the moment, this includes three categories - [=TrainingData=], [=ValidationData=], and [=TestingData=]. The DPVCG welcomes proposals and participation to further enhance this taxonomy.

[=Data=] extends `dpv:Data`, and can be associated with the property [=hasData=] which is a specialised form of `dpv:hasData` to indicate the specified data is involved in context of an AI technology. To specifically indicate the contextual involvement of data within AI development, the properties [=hasTrainingData=], [=hasTestingData=], and [=hasValidationData=] are provided.

To indicate the involvement of personal data, the concept `dpv:PersonalData` should be used along with its relation `dpv:hasPersonalData`. The [[DPV]] taxonomy contains specific concepts to model sensitive data - including that related to confidential and IP, and the [[PD]] extension provides a taxonomy of personal data categories that can be used to indicate involvement in AI technologies.

Risk Concepts

The concept [=RiskConcept=] in this extension extends dpv:RiskConcept to represent risk sources, risks, consequences, and impacts specific to the development, use, or operation of AI. As with the [[RISK]] extension, the risk concepts presented here can taken on different roles in different use-cases, for example what is a risk source in one scenario could be the consequence in another. The relations risk:hasRiskSource, dpv:hasRisk, dpv:hasConsequence, and dpv:hasImpact are useful to indicate the specific interpretation and role of the AI risk concepts in a scenario.

The AI Risk Concepts are broadly categorised according to the following:

  1. [=DataRisk=] - Risk associated with data used or produced or otherwise involved in the context of AI
  2. [=SecurityAttack=] - Risks or issues associated with security attacks related to AI technologies, models, and systems
  3. [=ModelRisk=] - Risks associated with AI Models
  4. [=AISystemRisk=] - Risks associated with AI Systems
  5. [=UserRisk=] - Risks associated with Users of AI Systems
  6. [=AIBias=] - Bias associated with development, use, or other activities involving an AI technology or system

Data Risks

[=DataRisk=] represent risks associated with the data involved in AI technologies. To represent these risks in the context of the role the data is playing (training, testing, validation), the same set of data risks are expressed for each of the three data categories to accurately represent both the origin and occurrence of the risk.


The bias concepts represented here are specific to AI, and there are generic bias concepts as well as discrimination impact concepts in [[RISK]] extension. While we are interested in further expanding these concepts, the following external sources should be of interest:

  • ai:AutomationBias: Bias tha occurs due to propensity for humans to favour suggestions from automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct go to full definition
  • ai:DataBias: Bias that occurs due to unaddressed data properties that lead to AI systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
    • ai:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs from aggregating data covering different groups of objects that might have different statistical distributions which introduce bias into the data used to train AI systems go to full definition
    • ai:DataLabelsAndLabellingProcessBias: Bias that occurs due to the labelling process itself introducing societal or cognitive biases go to full definition
    • ai:DistributedTrainingBias: Bias that occurs due to distributed machine having different sources of data that do not have the same distribution of feature space go to full definition
    • ai:MissingFeaturesAndLabelsBias: Bias that occurs when features are missing from individual training samples go to full definition
    • ai:NonRepresentativeSamplingBias: Bias that occurs if a dataset is not representative of the intended deployment environment, where the model learns biases based on the ways in which the data is non-representative go to full definition
  • ai:EngineeringDecisionBias: Bias that occurs due to machine learning model architectures - encompassing all model specifications, parameters and manually designed features go to full definition
    • ai:AlgorithmSelectionBias: Bias that occurs from the selection of machine learning algorithms built into the AI system which introduce unwanted bias in predictions made by the system because the type of algorithm used introduces a variation in the performance of the ML model go to full definition
    • ai:FeatureEngineeringBias: Bias that occurs from steps such as encoding, data type conversion, dimensionality reduction and feature selection which are subject to choices made by the AI developer and introduce bias in the ML model go to full definition
    • ai:HyperparameterTuningBias: Bias that occurs from hyperparameters defining how the model is structured and which cannot be directly trained from the data like model parameters, where hyperparameters affect the model functioning and accuracy of the model go to full definition
    • ai:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs or some groups, the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to learn and where a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data go to full definition
    • ai:ModelBias: Bias that occurs when ML uses functions like a maximum likelihood estimator to determine parameters, and there is data skew or under-representation present in the data, where the maximum likelihood estimation tends to amplify any underlying bias in the distribution go to full definition
    • ai:ModelInteractionBias: Bias that occurs from the structure of a model to create biased predictions go to full definition
      • ai:ModelExpressivenessBias: Bias that occurs from the number and nature of parameters in a model as well as the neural network topology which affect the expressiveness of the model and any feature that affects model expressiveness differently across groups go to full definition

Security Attacks

  • ai:AdversarialAttack: Inputs designed to cause the model to make a mistake go to full definition
  • ai:DataPoisoning: Attack trying to manipulate the training dataset go to full definition
  • ai:ModelEvasion: An input, which seems normal for a human but is wrongly classified by ML models go to full definition
  • ai:ModelInversion: A type of attack to AI models, in which the access to a model is abused to infer information about the training data go to full definition

Overview of Risk Concepts

The below table provides suggestions for the role each concept can be used for in the context of risk assessment, and how they can be categorised within the conventional 'CIA security model'. For example, [=AdversarialAttack=] can be used as a risk source (i.e. it can cause further issues to arise), a risk (i.e. it is a risk of concern), or as a consequence (i.e. it can occur due to another risk), and it is classified as affecting 'integrity' in the CIA model.

This table is based on a similar table within the [[RISK]] extension which provides a detailed taxonomy of concepts and the potential roles they can take across use-cases.

Concept Roles CIA model
Risk Source Risk Consequence Impact Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Risk Measures

The concept [=Measure=] is a specific measure associated with AI technologies to address risks related to AI technologies. While the [[DPV]] and [[RISK]] extension provide relevance and modelling of measures along with detailed taxonomies, this concept is useful to represent the measures developed and specifically used for AI technologies. The DPVCG welcomes proposals and participation to further expand the taxonomy of measures.


[=LifecycleStage=] models the lifecycle of AI technologies from its inception to deployment, use, and retirement. While we use the term 'lifecycle' here, these stages are also useful in other similar contexts such as 'AI Value Chain' and 'AI Supply Chain'. The AI-specific lifecycle is extended from the concept `tech:LifecycleStage` defined in the [[TECH]] extension to model lifecycle and stages of technologies in general. It can therefore be used with the existing relation `tech:hasLifecycleStage` to denote its applicability or involvement.

Vocabulary Index


Action Recognition

Term ActionRecognition Prefix ai
Label Action Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:ComputerVisionai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to recognise actions
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Adversarial Attack

Term AdversarialAttack Prefix ai
Label Adversarial Attack
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:SecurityAttackai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Inputs designed to cause the model to make a mistake
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Term AGI Prefix ai
Label Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition Type of AI system that addresses a broad range of tasks with a satisfactory level of performance
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Term AI Prefix ai
Label Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Technology
Subject of relation ai:hasData, ai:hasTestingData, ai:hasTrainingData, ai:hasValidationData
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI
Definition A technical and scientific field devoted to the engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives
Date Created 2024-04-28
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

AI Bias

Term AIBias Prefix ai
Label AI Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:Bias
Broader/Parent types ai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Bias associated with development, use, or other activities involving an AI technology or system
Date Created 2024-09-18
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

AI System

Term AISystem Prefix ai
Label AI System
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition An engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives (ISO/IEC 22989:2023 definition); or A machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment (OECD 2024 definition)
Date Created 2024-05-17
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

AI System Risk

Term AISystemRisk Prefix ai
Label AI System Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks associated with AI Systems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Algorithm Selection Bias

Term AlgorithmSelectionBias Prefix ai
Label Algorithm Selection Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from the selection of machine learning algorithms built into the AI system which introduce unwanted bias in predictions made by the system because the type of algorithm used introduces a variation in the performance of the ML model
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Audio Capability

Term AudioCapability Prefix ai
Label Audio Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capabilities related to the processing and generation of audio
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Audio Generation

Term AudioGeneration Prefix ai
Label Audio Generation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:AudioCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:ContentGenerationai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to generate audio
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Audio Processing

Term AudioProcessing Prefix ai
Label Audio Processing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Technique involving processing audio
Source AI Watch
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Automatic Summarisation

Term AutomaticSummarisation Prefix ai
Label Automatic Summarisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:InformationRetrievalai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for shortening a portion of content such as text while retaining important semantic information
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Automation Bias

Term AutomationBias Prefix ai
Label Automation Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBias
Definition Bias tha occurs due to propensity for humans to favour suggestions from automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Bayesian Estimation

Term BayesianEstimation Prefix ai
Label Bayesian Estimation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:StatisticalTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to Bayesian estimation approach
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Bayesian Network

Term BayesianNetwork Prefix ai
Label Bayesian Network
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:StatisticalTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Probabilistic technique that uses Bayesian inference for probability computations using a directed acyclic graph
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Bayesian Optimisation

Term BayesianOptimisation Prefix ai
Label Bayesian Optimisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:StatisticalTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to Bayesian optimisation technique
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Behaviour Analysis

Term BehaviourAnalysis Prefix ai
Label Behaviour Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability of a system in analysing people's behaviour
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Biometric Capability

Term BiometricCapability Prefix ai
Label Biometric Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving processing of biometric data or related to biometrics
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Biometric Categorisation

Term BiometricCategorisation Prefix ai
Label Biometric Categorisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving assigning natural persons to specific categories based on their biometric data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Biometric Emotion Recognition

Term BiometricEmotionRecognition Prefix ai
Label Biometric Emotion Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:EmotionRecognitionai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for recognisting emtions based on biometrics information
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Biometric Identification

Term BiometricIdentification Prefix ai
Label Biometric Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving automated recognition of physical, physiological and behavioural human features such as the face, eye movement, body shape, voice, prosody, gait, posture, heart rate, blood pressure, odour, keystrokes characteristics, for the purpose of establishing an individual’s identity by comparing biometric data of that individual to stored biometric data of individuals in a reference database, irrespective of whether the individual has given its consent or not
Source The AI Act
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI


Term Capability Prefix ai
Label Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability or use of AI to achieve a technical goal or objective
Usage Note This concept refers to the application of an AI technique to achieve a technical goal or function, and is necessary to distinguish the 'algorithm' (ai:Technique) from the 'application' (ai:Capability) and 'goal' (dpv:Purpose)
Date Created 2024-04-28
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

Cognitive Computing

Term CognitiveComputing Prefix ai
Label Cognitive Computing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition Category of AI systems that enables people and machines to interact more naturally
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Computer Vision

Term ComputerVision Prefix ai
Label Computer Vision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability of a functional unit to acquire, process and interpret data representing images or video
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Content-based Retrieval

Term ContentBasedRetrieval Prefix ai
Label Content-based Retrieval
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:InformationRetrievalai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for retrieval of information using the actual content to identify, select, filter, and provide results
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Content Generation

Term ContentGeneration Prefix ai
Label Content Generation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to generate new content that is distinct from merely deriving or transforming existing content
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Context-aware Retrieval

Term ContextAwareRetrieval Prefix ai
Label Context-aware Retrieval
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:InformationRetrievalai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for retrieval of information that takes into account the user's context such as e.g., location, time, device, or activity to provide more relevant results
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Continuous Validation Stage

Term ContinuousValidationStage Prefix ai
Label Continuous Validation Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where there is continuous learning within the AI system by incremental training on an ongoing basis while the system is running in production
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Term ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork Prefix ai
Label Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:NeuralNetworkai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Feed forward neural network using convolution in at least one of its layers
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

AI Data

Term Data Prefix ai
Label AI Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Data
Broader/Parent types tech:InputOutput
Object of relation dpv:hasData, ai:hasData
Definition Data involved in the development and use of an AI system or model
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

Data Aggregation Bias

Term DataAggregationBias Prefix ai
Label Data Aggregation Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from aggregating data covering different groups of objects that might have different statistical distributions which introduce bias into the data used to train AI systems
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Data Bias

Term DataBias Prefix ai
Label Data Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to unaddressed data properties that lead to AI systems that perform better or worse for different groups
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Data Labels And Labelling Process Bias

Term DataLabelsAndLabellingProcessBias Prefix ai
Label Data Labels And Labelling Process Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to the labelling process itself introducing societal or cognitive biases
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Data Poisoning

Term DataPoisoning Prefix ai
Label Data Poisoning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:SecurityAttackai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Attack trying to manipulate the training dataset
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Data Risk

Term DataRisk Prefix ai
Label Data Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risk associated with data used or produced or otherwise involved in the context of AI
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Decision Tree

Term DecisionTree Prefix ai
Label Decision Tree
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:StatisticalTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Technique for which inference is encoded as paths from the root to a leaf node in a tree structure
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Decommission Stage

Term DecomissionStage Prefix ai
Label Decommission Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:RetirementStageai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is being decomissioned as part of retirement
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Deep Learning

Term DeepLearning Prefix ai
Label Deep Learning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Approach to creating rich hierarchical representations through the training of neural networks with many hidden layers
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Deployment Stage

Term DeploymentStage Prefix ai
Label Deployment Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is installed, released or configured for deployment and operation in a target environment
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Design Stage

Term DesignStage Prefix ai
Label Design Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where designs are created for the AI system
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Development Stage

Term DevelopmentStage Prefix ai
Label Development Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the development and creation of the system occurs, signalling upon completion that it is ready for verification and validation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Dialogue Management

Term DialogueManagement Prefix ai
Label Dialogue Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for choosing the appropriate next move in a dialogue based on user input, the dialogue history and other contextual knowledge to meet a desired goal
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Discard Stage

Term DiscardStage Prefix ai
Label Discard Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:RetirementStageai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is being discarded as part of retirement
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Distributed Training Bias

Term DistributedTrainingBias Prefix ai
Label Distributed Training Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to distributed machine having different sources of data that do not have the same distribution of feature space
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Emotion Recognition

Term EmotionRecognition Prefix ai
Label Emotion Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for identifying and categorizing emotions expressed in a piece of text, speech, video or image or combination thereof
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Engineering Decision Bias

Term EngineeringDecisionBias Prefix ai
Label Engineering Decision Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs due to machine learning model architectures - encompassing all model specifications, parameters and manually designed features
Usage Note Data bias and human cognitive bias can contribute to such bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Expert System

Term ExpertSystem Prefix ai
Label Expert System
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition AI system that accumulates, combines and encapsulates knowledge provided by a human expert or experts in a specific domain to infer solutions to problems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Face Recognition

Term FaceRecognition Prefix ai
Label Face Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:ComputerVisionai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving automatic pattern recognition for comparing stored images of human faces with the image of an actual face, indicating any matching, if it exists, and any data, if they exist, identifying the person to whom the face belongs
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Feature Engineering Bias

Term FeatureEngineeringBias Prefix ai
Label Feature Engineering Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from steps such as encoding, data type conversion, dimensionality reduction and feature selection which are subject to choices made by the AI developer and introduce bias in the ML model
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Feed Forward Neural Network

Term FeedForwardNeuralNetwork Prefix ai
Label Feed Forward Neural Network
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:NeuralNetworkai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Neural network where information is fed from the input layer to the output layer in one direction only
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Genetic Algorithm

Term GeneticAlgorithm Prefix ai
Label Genetic Algorithm
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Algorithm which simulates natural selection by creating and evolving a population of individuals (solutions) for optimization problems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Gesture Recognition

Term GestureRecognition Prefix ai
Label Gesture Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:ComputerVisionai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for recognising human gestures
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

General Purpose AI Model

Term GPAIModel Prefix ai
Label General Purpose AI Model
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Modelai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:Modeltech:Modeldpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasGPAIModel, ai:hasModel, tech:hasModel
Definition A model that displays generality in terms of capabilities and potential applications
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Human-Oriented Capability

Term HumanOrientedCapability Prefix ai
Label Human-Oriented Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capabilities that are inherently about humans or oriented towards human characteristics and activities
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Hyperparameter Tuning Bias

Term HyperparameterTuningBias Prefix ai
Label Hyperparameter Tuning Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from hyperparameters defining how the model is structured and which cannot be directly trained from the data like model parameters, where hyperparameters affect the model functioning and accuracy of the model
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Image Generation

Term ImageGeneration Prefix ai
Label Image Generation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:ContentGenerationai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to generate image
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Image Recognition

Term ImageRecognition Prefix ai
Label Image Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:ComputerVisionai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for image classification process that classifies object(s), pattern(s) or concept(s) in an image
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Inception Stage

Term InceptionStage Prefix ai
Label Inception Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where inception regarding AI occurs and one or more stakeholders decide to turn an idea into a tangible system
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Incident Monitoring Stage

Term IncidentMonitoringStage Prefix ai
Label Incident Monitoring Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:OperationStageai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where an AI system is actively being monitored for incidents
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Inductive Programming

Term InductiveProgramming Prefix ai
Label Inductive Programming
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:KnowledgeTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition An algorithm or program featuring recursive calls or repetition control structures
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Industrial Robot

Term IndustrialRobot Prefix ai
Label Industrial Robot
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Robotai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:Robotai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition A robot or robotic system for use in industrial automation applications
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Information Retrieval (IR)

Term InformationRetrieval Prefix ai
Label Information Retrieval (IR)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for retrieving relevant documents or parts of documents from a dataset, typically based on keyword or natural language queries
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Informativeness Bias

Term InformativenessBias Prefix ai
Label Informativeness Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs or some groups, the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to learn and where a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data
Usage Note This can happen when some features are highly informative about one group, while a different set of features is highly informative about another group. If this is the case, then a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Bias

Term InputDataBias Prefix ai
Label Input Data Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data containing or potentially containing bias
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Inaccurate

Term InputDataInaccurate Prefix ai
Label Input Data Inaccurate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being inaccurate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Inappropriate

Term InputDataInappropriate Prefix ai
Label Input Data Inappropriate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being inappropriate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Incomplete

Term InputDataIncomplete Prefix ai
Label Input Data Incomplete
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being incomplete
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Inconsistent

Term InputDataInconsistent Prefix ai
Label Input Data Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Misclassified

Term InputDataMisclassified Prefix ai
Label Input Data Misclassified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being misclassified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Misinterpretation

Term InputDataMisinterpretation Prefix ai
Label Input Data Misinterpretation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being misinterpretation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Noise

Term InputDataNoise Prefix ai
Label Input Data Noise
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being noise
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Outdated

Term InputDataOutdated Prefix ai
Label Input Data Outdated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being outdated
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Risk

Term InputDataRisk Prefix ai
Label Input Data Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks and risk concepts related to input data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Selection Error

Term InputDataSelectionError Prefix ai
Label Input Data Selection Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing an error in input data selection
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Sparse

Term InputDataSparse Prefix ai
Label Input Data Sparse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being sparse
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Unrepresentative

Term InputDataUnrepresentative Prefix ai
Label Input Data Unrepresentative
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being unrepresentative
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Unstructured

Term InputDataUnstructured Prefix ai
Label Input Data Unstructured
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being unstructured
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Input Data Unverified

Term InputDataUnverified Prefix ai
Label Input Data Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:InputDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing input data being unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Intelligent Control System

Term IntelligentControlSystem Prefix ai
Label Intelligent Control System
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition Category of AI systems which implement intelligent control principles for real-world applications by using AI capabilities and techniques
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Knowledge Representation

Term KnowledgeRepresentation Prefix ai
Label Knowledge Representation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:KnowledgeTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Encoding knowledge in a formal language
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Knowledge Technique

Term KnowledgeTechnique Prefix ai
Label Knowledge Technique
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Techniques based on the use of knowledge bases
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Language Capability

Term LanguageCapability Prefix ai
Label Language Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capabilities related to languages
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Lie Detection

Term LieDetection Prefix ai
Label Lie Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to detect lies in the context of human speech, behaviour, information, or activities
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Lifecycle Stage

Term LifecycleStage Prefix ai
Label Lifecycle Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition A stage in the lifecycle of AI
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Local Biometric Identification

Term LocalBiometricIdentification Prefix ai
Label Local Biometric Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricIdentificationai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving biometric identification carried out locally
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Logic Technique

Term LogicTechnique Prefix ai
Label Logic Technique
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to logic based techniques
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

Term LongShortTermMemory Prefix ai
Label Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:NeuralNetworkai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Type of recurrent neural network that processes sequential data with a satisfactory performance for both long and short span dependencies
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Machine Learning

Term MachineLearning Prefix ai
Label Machine Learning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Process of optimizing model parameters through computational techniques, such that the model's behaviour reflects the data or experience
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Machine Learning Model

Term MachineLearningModel Prefix ai
Label Machine Learning Model
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Modelai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:Modeltech:Modeldpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasModel, tech:hasModel
Definition Mathematical construct that generates an inference or prediction based on input data or information
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Machine Learning Platform

Term MachineLearningPlatform Prefix ai
Label Machine Learning Platform
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Platformdpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAlgorithm, tech:hasAPI, tech:hasApplication, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDevice, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasHardware, tech:hasInfrastructure, tech:hasInput, tech:hasInputAction, tech:hasInputData, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasLicense, tech:hasLifecycleStage, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasModel, tech:hasOutput, tech:hasOutputAction, tech:hasOutputData, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasPlatform, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasService, tech:hasSoftware, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystem, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasPlatform
Definition Technology platform for developing, deploying, and managing machine learning models and resources
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Machine Translation

Term MachineTranslation Prefix ai
Label Machine Translation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for automated translation of text or speech from one natural language to another using a computer system
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI


Term Measure Prefix ai
Label Measure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure
Definition Measure to address risk associated with AI Systems
Usage Note This concept is a stub
Date Created 2024-04-28
See More: section MEASURES in AI

Missing Features And Labels Bias

Term MissingFeaturesAndLabelsBias Prefix ai
Label Missing Features And Labels Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs when features are missing from individual training samples
Usage Note If the frequency of missing features is higher for one group than another then this presents another vector for bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI


Term Model Prefix ai
Label Model
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Modeldpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasModel, tech:hasModel
Definition Physical, mathematical or otherwise logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, process or data involving the use of AI techniques
Date Created 2024-05-17
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

Model Bias

Term ModelBias Prefix ai
Label Model Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs when ML uses functions like a maximum likelihood estimator to determine parameters, and there is data skew or under-representation present in the data, where the maximum likelihood estimation tends to amplify any underlying bias in the distribution
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Model Evasion

Term ModelEvasion Prefix ai
Label Model Evasion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:SecurityAttackai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition An input, which seems normal for a human but is wrongly classified by ML models
Usage Note (The EU Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI),
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Model Expressiveness Bias

Term ModelExpressivenessBias Prefix ai
Label Model Expressiveness Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ModelInteractionBiasai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:ModelInteractionBiasai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from the number and nature of parameters in a model as well as the neural network topology which affect the expressiveness of the model and any feature that affects model expressiveness differently across groups
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Model Interaction Bias

Term ModelInteractionBias Prefix ai
Label Model Interaction Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:EngineeringDecisionBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs from the structure of a model to create biased predictions
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Model Inversion

Term ModelInversion Prefix ai
Label Model Inversion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:SecurityAttackai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition A type of attack to AI models, in which the access to a model is abused to infer information about the training data
Usage Note (HLEG Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI),
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Model Risk

Term ModelRisk Prefix ai
Label Model Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks associated with AI Models
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Multi-modal Retrieval

Term MultiModalRetrieval Prefix ai
Label Multi-modal Retrieval
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:InformationRetrievalai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for retrieval of information using multiple modalities such as text, images, audio, and video and supporting cross-modal queries such as taking text as input to search images
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Music Information Retrieval (MIR)

Term MusicInformationRetrieval Prefix ai
Label Music Information Retrieval (MIR)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:InformationRetrievalai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for retrieving, analyzing, and categorizing music-related information such as audio files, melodies, or lyrics using audio features, metadata, and user queries
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Named Entity Recognition

Term NamedEntityRecognition Prefix ai
Label Named Entity Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for recognizing and labelling the denotational names of entities and their categories for sequences of words in a stream of text or speech
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Narrow AI

Term NarrowAI Prefix ai
Label Narrow AI
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition Type of AI system that is focused on defined tasks to address a specific problem i.e. it addresses a narrow scope of tasks and problems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Natural Language Generation

Term NaturalLanguageGeneration Prefix ai
Label Natural Language Generation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Converting data carrying semantics into natural language
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Neural Network

Term NeuralNetwork Prefix ai
Label Neural Network
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Network of one or more layers of neurons connected by weighted links with adjustable weights, which takes input data and produces an output
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Non-Representative Sampling Bias

Term NonRepresentativeSamplingBias Prefix ai
Label Non-Representative Sampling Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types ai:DataBiasai:AIBiasrisk:Bias
Definition Bias that occurs if a dataset is not representative of the intended deployment environment, where the model learns biases based on the ways in which the data is non-representative
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Object Recognition

Term ObjectRecognition Prefix ai
Label Object Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:ComputerVisionai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to recognise objects
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Operation Stage

Term OperationStage Prefix ai
Label Operation Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where an AI system is running and generally available for operations
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Optimisation Method

Term OptimisationMethod Prefix ai
Label Optimisation Method
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:StatisticalTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to optimisation Method
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Part Of Speech Tagging

Term PartOfSpeechTagging Prefix ai
Label Part Of Speech Tagging
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for assigning a category (e.g. verb, noun, adjective) to a word based on its grammatical properties
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Personality Trait Analysis

Term PersonalityTraitAnalysis Prefix ai
Label Personality Trait Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for determining and analysing people's personality traits
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Post-Time Biometric Identification

Term PostTimeBiometricIdentification Prefix ai
Label Post-Time Biometric Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricIdentificationai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving biometric identification carried out later or not in real-time or not-instaneously
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI


Term Profiling Prefix ai
Label Profiling
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types dpv:Profilingdpv:Usedpv:Processing
Object of relation dpv:hasProcessing, dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability where AI is used to construct a profile of an individual (human) or a group of individuals
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Question Answering

Term QuestionAnswering Prefix ai
Label Question Answering
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for determining the most appropriate answer to a question provided in natural language
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Real-Time Biometric Identification

Term RealTimeBiometricIdentification Prefix ai
Label Real-Time Biometric Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricIdentificationai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving biometric identification carried out in real-time or instataneously
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Reasoning Technique

Term ReasoningTechnique Prefix ai
Label Reasoning Technique
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to reasoning techniques
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Term RecurrentNeuralNetwork Prefix ai
Label Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:NeuralNetworkai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Neural network in which outputs from both the previous layer and the previous processing step are fed into the current layer
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Reevaluation Stage

Term ReevaluationStage Prefix ai
Label Reevaluation Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is reevaluated after the operation and monitoring stage based on the operations of the AI system
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Reinforcement Learning

Term ReinforcementLearning Prefix ai
Label Reinforcement Learning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Learning of an optimal sequence of actions to maximize a reward through interaction with an environment
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Relationship Extraction

Term RelationshipExtraction Prefix ai
Label Relationship Extraction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for identifying relationships among entities mentioned in a text
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Remote Biometric Identification

Term RemoteBiometricIdentification Prefix ai
Label Remote Biometric Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:BiometricIdentificationai:BiometricCapabilityai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability involving biometric identification carried out remotely
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Repair Stage

Term RepairStage Prefix ai
Label Repair Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:OperationStageai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where an AI system is being repaired due to suspected or occured incidents
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Replace Stage

Term ReplaceStage Prefix ai
Label Replace Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:RetirementStageai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is being replaced as part of retirement
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Retirement Stage

Term RetirementStage Prefix ai
Label Retirement Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is retired and becomes obsolete
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI


Term RiskConcept Prefix ai
Label RiskConcept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risk concepts such as risk sources, risks, consequences, and impacts associated specifically with development, use, or operation of AI
Date Created 2024-04-28
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI


Term Robot Prefix ai
Label Robot
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition An automation system with actuators that performs intended tasks in the physical world, by means of sensing its environment and a software control system
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Search Method

Term SearchMethod Prefix ai
Label Search Method
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:StatisticalTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to statistical-based search Methods
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Security Attack

Term SecurityAttack Prefix ai
Label Security Attack
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks or issues associated with security attacks related to AI technologies, models, and systems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Semi Supervised Learning

Term SemiSupervisedLearning Prefix ai
Label Semi Supervised Learning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Machine learning that makes use of both labelled and unlabelled data during training
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Sentiment Analysis

Term SentimentAnalysis Prefix ai
Label Sentiment Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:LanguageCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, speech or image, to determine a range of feeling such as from positive to negative
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Service Robot

Term ServiceRobot Prefix ai
Label Service Robot
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Robotai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:Robotai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition A robot or robotic system in personal use or professional use that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Social Robot

Term SocialRobot Prefix ai
Label Social Robot
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Robotai:AISystemai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:Robotai:AISystemtech:Systemdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasAISystem, tech:hasSystem
Definition A robot or robotic system with social interaction functions
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Sound Source Separation

Term SoundSourceSeparation Prefix ai
Label Sound Source Separation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:AudioCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for extracting individual sound from audio recordings
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Sound Synthesis

Term SoundSynthesis Prefix ai
Label Sound Synthesis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:AudioCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:ContentGenerationai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for generation of artificial sound
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Speaker Recognition

Term SpeakerRecognition Prefix ai
Label Speaker Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:AudioProcessingai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Capability of recognising speaker(s) in audio recordings
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Speech Recognition

Term SpeechRecognition Prefix ai
Label Speech Recognition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:AudioProcessingai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:HumanOrientedCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Capability of converting a speech signal to a representation of the content of the speech
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Speech Synthesis

Term SpeechSynthesis Prefix ai
Label Speech Synthesis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:AudioCapabilityai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:ContentGenerationai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability for generation of artificial speech
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI

Statistical Technique

Term StatisticalTechnique Prefix ai
Label Statistical Technique
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Refers to techniques that are based on statistics
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Supervised Learning

Term SupervisedLearning Prefix ai
Label Supervised Learning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Machine learning that makes only use of labelled data during training
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Support Vector Machine

Term SupportVectorMachine Prefix ai
Label Support Vector Machine
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition A machine learning algorithm that finds decision boundaries with maximal margins
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Symbolic Reasoning

Term SymbolicReasoning Prefix ai
Label Symbolic Reasoning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:KnowledgeTechniqueai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Reasoning based on the knowledge encoded in a formal language
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI


Term Technique Prefix ai
Label Technique
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition The underlying technological algorithm, method, or process that forms the technique for using or applying AI
Usage Note This concept refers to the foundational computational implementation and is necessary to distinguish the 'algorithm' (ai:Technique) from the 'application' (ai:Capability) and 'goal' (dpv:Purpose)
Date Created 2024-04-28
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

Testing Data

Term TestingData Prefix ai
Label Testing Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Datadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types ai:Datatech:InputOutput
Object of relation dpv:hasData, ai:hasData, ai:hasTrainingData
Definition Data involved in the testing of an AI system or model
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

Testing Data Bias

Term TestingDataBias Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data containing or potentially containing bias
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Inaccurate

Term TestingDataInaccurate Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Inaccurate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being inaccurate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Inappropriate

Term TestingDataInappropriate Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Inappropriate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being inappropriate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Incomplete

Term TestingDataIncomplete Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Incomplete
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being incomplete
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Inconsistent

Term TestingDataInconsistent Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Misclassified

Term TestingDataMisclassified Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Misclassified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being misclassified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Misinterpretation

Term TestingDataMisinterpretation Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Misinterpretation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being misinterpretation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Noise

Term TestingDataNoise Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Noise
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being noise
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Outdated

Term TestingDataOutdated Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Outdated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being outdated
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Risk

Term TestingDataRisk Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks and risk concepts related to testing data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Selection Error

Term TestingDataSelectionError Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Selection Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing an error in testing data selection
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Sparse

Term TestingDataSparse Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Sparse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being sparse
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Unrepresentative

Term TestingDataUnrepresentative Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Unrepresentative
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being unrepresentative
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Unstructured

Term TestingDataUnstructured Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Unstructured
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being unstructured
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Testing Data Unverified

Term TestingDataUnverified Prefix ai
Label Testing Data Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:TestingDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing testing data being unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Trained Model

Term TrainedModel Prefix ai
Label Trained Model
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Modelai:AIdpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types ai:Modeltech:Modeldpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasModel, tech:hasModel
Definition Model resulted from model training
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section SYSTEMS in AI

Training Data

Term TrainingData Prefix ai
Label Training Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Datadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types ai:Datatech:InputOutput
Object of relation dpv:hasData, ai:hasData, ai:hasValidationData
Definition Data involved in the training of an AI system or model
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

Unsupervised Learning

Term UnsupervisedLearning Prefix ai
Label Unsupervised Learning
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Technique
Broader/Parent types ai:MachineLearningai:Techniqueai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasTechnique
Definition Machine learning that makes only use of unlabelled data during training
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section TECHNIQUES in AI

Update Stage

Term UpdateStage Prefix ai
Label Update Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:OperationStageai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where an AI system is being or has been updated
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

User Risk

Term UserRisk Prefix ai
Label User Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks associated with Users of AI Systems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data

Term ValidationData Prefix ai
Label Validation Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:Datadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types ai:Datatech:InputOutput
Object of relation dpv:hasData, ai:hasData, ai:hasTestingData
Definition Data involved in the validation of an AI system or model
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

Validation Data Bias

Term ValidationDataBias Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data containing or potentially containing bias
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Inaccurate

Term ValidationDataInaccurate Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Inaccurate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being inaccurate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Inappropriate

Term ValidationDataInappropriate Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Inappropriate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being inappropriate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Incomplete

Term ValidationDataIncomplete Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Incomplete
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being incomplete
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Inconsistent

Term ValidationDataInconsistent Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Misclassified

Term ValidationDataMisclassified Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Misclassified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being misclassified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Misinterpretation

Term ValidationDataMisinterpretation Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Misinterpretation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being misinterpretation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Noise

Term ValidationDataNoise Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Noise
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being noise
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Outdated

Term ValidationDataOutdated Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Outdated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being outdated
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Risk

Term ValidationDataRisk Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Risks and risk concepts related to validation data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Selection Error

Term ValidationDataSelectionError Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Selection Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing an error in validation data selection
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Sparse

Term ValidationDataSparse Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Sparse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being sparse
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Unrepresentative

Term ValidationDataUnrepresentative Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Unrepresentative
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being unrepresentative
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Unstructured

Term ValidationDataUnstructured Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Unstructured
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being unstructured
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Data Unverified

Term ValidationDataUnverified Prefix ai
Label Validation Data Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types ai:ValidationDataRiskai:DataRiskai:RiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Definition Concept representing validation data being unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISKS in AI

Validation Stage

Term ValidationStage Prefix ai
Label Validation Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is validated for requirements and objectives for an intended use or application
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Verification Stage

Term VerificationStage Prefix ai
Label Verification Stage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:LifecycleStage
Broader/Parent types ai:LifecycleStagetech:LifecycleStage
Object of relation tech:hasLifecycleStage
Definition The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is being verified to satisfy requirements and meet objectives
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section LIFECYCLE in AI

Video Generation

Term VideoGeneration Prefix ai
Label Video Generation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, ai:Capability
Broader/Parent types ai:ContentGenerationai:Capabilityai:AIdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, ai:hasAI, ai:hasCapability
Definition Capability to generate video
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CAPABILITIES in AI


has AI

Term hasAI Prefix ai
Label has AI
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Sub-property of dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Range includes ai:AI
Definition Indicates the use of AI for the associated context
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

has AI system

Term hasAISystem Prefix ai
Label has AI system
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasAIdpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Sub-property of ai:hasAI
Range includes ai:AISystem
Definition Indicates the use of AI system for the associated context
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

has capability

Term hasCapability Prefix ai
Label has capability
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasAIdpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Sub-property of ai:hasAI
Range includes ai:Capability
Definition Indicates the use of AI capability for the associated context
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

has data

Term hasData Prefix ai
Label has data
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasData
Sub-property of dpv:hasData
Domain includes ai:AI
Range includes ai:Data
Definition Associates data with an AI system or model or implementation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section DATA in AI

has GPAI model

Term hasGPAIModel Prefix ai
Label has GPAI model
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasModelai:hasAIdpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Sub-property of ai:hasModel
Range includes ai:GPAIModel
Definition Indicates the use of an GPAI model for the associated context
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

has model

Term hasModel Prefix ai
Label has model
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasAIdpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Sub-property of ai:hasAI
Range includes ai:Model
Definition Indicates the use of an AI model for the associated context
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

has technique

Term hasTechnique Prefix ai
Label has technique
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasAIdpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Sub-property of ai:hasAI
Range includes ai:Technique
Definition Indicates the use of AI technique for the associated context
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in AI

has testing data

Term hasTestingData Prefix ai
Label has testing data
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasDatadpv:hasData
Broader/Parent types tech:hasInputDatadpv:hasData
Broader/Parent types tech:hasInputDatatech:hasInput
Sub-property of ai:hasDatatech:hasInputData
Domain includes ai:AI
Range includes ai:ValidationData
Definition Associates the data used for testing AI
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

has training data

Term hasTrainingData Prefix ai
Label has training data
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasDatadpv:hasData
Broader/Parent types tech:hasInputDatadpv:hasData
Broader/Parent types tech:hasInputDatatech:hasInput
Sub-property of ai:hasDatatech:hasInputData
Domain includes ai:AI
Range includes ai:TestingData
Definition Associates the data used for training AI
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

has validation data

Term hasValidationData Prefix ai
Label has validation data
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types ai:hasDatadpv:hasData
Broader/Parent types tech:hasInputDatadpv:hasData
Broader/Parent types tech:hasInputDatatech:hasInput
Sub-property of ai:hasDatatech:hasInputData
Domain includes ai:AI
Range includes ai:TrainingData
Definition Associates the data used for validating AI
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section DATA in AI

DPV uses the following terms from [[RDF]] and [[RDFS]] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:


Future Work

Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Delaram Golpayegani have received funding through the PROTECT ITN Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813497, in particular through the development of AI Risk Ontology (AIRO) and Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR) which have been integrated in to this extension.

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit and Delaram Golpayegani have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.

Changelog for v2.1