Contributors: (ordered alphabetically) Beatriz Esteves (IDLab, IMEC, Ghent University). NOTE: The affiliations are informative, do not represent formal endorsements, and may be outdated as this list is generated automatically from existing data.

This extension provides concepts to support implementations of the upcoming EU Health Data Space ([[EHDS]]) regulation by providing concepts and methods for implementing the regulation, as well as to support its alignment with other regulations such as GDPR, DGA, and AI Act.

NOTE: This is a draft vocabulary, which will be updated as EHDS is published and formally recognised as a regulation. The DPVCG welcomes participation and contributions for this work.

DPV v2.1-RC feedback/review period until FEB-16 The DPVCG welcomes feedback and review on the v2.1 Release Candidate containing DPV and related specifications until FEB-16, after which, these documents will be published unless unresolved major issues have been identified. Feedback/review can be e.g., suggestions for improvements, fixing grammar/typos, additional information and references, and technical changes to files. The DPVCG shall discuss all submitted feedback and will resolve in through the weekly meetings. See the changelog for changes.

DPV Specifications: The [[DPV]] is the core specification within the DPV family, with the following extensions: Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]] and [[AI]], [[JUSTIFICATIONS]], [[SECTOR]] specific extensions, and [[LEGAL]] extensions modelling specific jurisdictions and regulations. A [[PRIMER]] introduces the concepts and modelling of DPV specifications, and [[GUIDES]] describe application of DPV for specific applications and use-cases. The Search Index page provides a searchable hierarchy of all concepts. The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) develops and manages these specifications through GitHub. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

To cite and understand the structure of DPV, the article "Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2.0" (2024) describes the current state of DPV and extensions from version 2.0 onwards (open access version here). The earlier article "Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy" (2019) describes how the DPV was developed (open access versions here, here, and here).

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.


The [[EHDS]] is an upcoming regulation that establishes a data space for the sharing and reuse of 'health data'. The regulation is expected to be published in 2025, and will outline the specific framework and obligations for implementing the health data space(s). The document establishing an agreed text between the EU's law-making bodies can be found in the associated press release (direct link to PDF). While the final text will contain revisions, the intent and implementing aspects of the regulation can be expected to be the same.

The implementation of the [[EHDS]] is of great interest due to its potential for unlocking and expanding the use of data currently stored in various health institutions, and to use this for progressive scientific research that will enhance healthcare and benefit society. For this, the HealthData@EU Pilot is a pilot project that is building the infrastructure for implementing the [[EHDS]]. It is creating the [[[HealthDCAT-AP]]] specification, which expands the well-adopted DCAT-AP specification for specifying metadata and catalogues of health datasets, which can then be accessed and reused via a common portal.

The [[HealthDCAT-AP]]'s specification reuses [[DPV]] concepts and properties to represent information about personal data, legal bases, purpose, and jurisdiction. See the note on DPVCG mailing list for more details. The aim of this extension is thus to support implementations like [[HealthDCAT-AP]] by providing a specific vocabulary that extends [[DPV]] concepts to represent the categories of personal data, legal bases, purposes, technical and organisational measures, and other processes and artefacts that are necessary to implement and support the [[EHDS]]. In this, we seek to work closely with efforts such as the HealthData@EU to avoid duplication of efforts and to develop a consistent and useful solution for stakeholders.

The rest of the document describes a draft vocabulary that was developed based on the initial documents of the [[EHDS]], and which shows how the concepts from the regulation can be modelled within the framework of [[DPV]] specifications to enable implementing the requirements of the [[EHDS]]. As the state of the [[EHDS]] regulation progresses towards a formal publication and then real-world implementation, the DPVCG will be updating this vocabulary with more concepts and guidance to support use-cases.


This section contains concepts representing the categories of data described in the EHDS. In future iterations, the DPVCG is interested in further refining this vocabulary by aligning the concepts with those from [[DPV]] - in particular to establish personal data that are sensitive, and personal data that are classified as special category for use with the [[EU-GDPR]] extension. The DPVCG is also interested to align and enhance the categories of personal data with the [[PD]] extension, and the [[SECTOR-HEALTH]] sectorial extension which models generic healthcare concepts.


This section contains concepts representing the categories and roles of entities described in the EHDS. In future iterations, the DPVCG is interested in further refining this vocabulary by aligning the concepts with those from [[DPV]] - in particular to establish entities that are non-commercial or non-profit in nature, or are research organisations, as well as to represent commonly occurring entity categories such as hospitals, clinics, and other relevant concepts in alignment with the [[SECTOR-HEALTH]] sectorial extension which models generic healthcare concepts.


This section contains concepts representing the categories of purposes described in the EHDS. In future iterations, the DPVCG is interested in further refining this vocabulary by aligning the concepts with those from [[DPV]] - in particular to establish purposes that can be considered as relevant to the provision of healthcare, or for public benefit, or are necessary for medical research. The DPVCG is also interested to align and enhance the categories of purposes with the [[SECTOR-HEALTH]] sectorial extension which models generic healthcare concepts.


This section contains miscellaneous concepts that can be considered as processes under the EHDS. These will be changed in future versions of the extension. The current concepts of 'data request' and 'data permit' represent the mechanisms through which data is to be requested and through which it will be permitted to be used. The DPVCG is interested in modelling these in terms of specific activities - including how to request, how to express information in a request, lifecycle of a request (e.g. request made, being considered, accepted, or refused), and the accompanying assessments (request validity, risk/impact assessment), and documentation (request log, request report). Likewise, the use of data will also require specific concepts that model such specific processes and artefacts. Further, the DPVCG is interested in establishing specific legal bases and mechanisms that are crucial for the implementation of the EHDS, including its alignment with other extensions implementing regulations such as [[EU-GDPR]] and [[EU-DGA]].

Vocabulary Index


Behavioral Data

Term BehavioralData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Behavioral Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about behavioral data impacting on health
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Biobank Data

Term BiobankData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Biobank Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health data from biobanks
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Health-related Claim Data

Term ClaimData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health-related Claim Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthAdminDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthAdminDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthAdminDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health-related claims data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Clinical Trials Data

Term ClinicalTrialsData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Clinical Trials Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health data from clinical trials
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Data Permit

Term DataPermit Prefix eu-ehds
Label Data Permit
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:Policydpv:GovernanceProceduresdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasPolicy, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Permit issued by health data access bodies to data users regarding data access applications
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PROCESS in EU-EHDS

Data Request

Term DataRequest Prefix eu-ehds
Label Data Request
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:OrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types dpv:Policydpv:GovernanceProceduresdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasPolicy, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Request sent by data users to health data access bodies, seeking access to statistically anonymised electronic health data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PROCESS in EU-EHDS

Develop Public Health Products and Services

Term DevelopPublicHealthProductsAndServices Prefix eu-ehds
Label Develop Public Health Products and Services
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with developing products and services that contribute to public health
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Develop Social Security Products and Services

Term DevelopSocialSecurityProductsAndServices Prefix eu-ehds
Label Develop Social Security Products and Services
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with developing products and services that contribute to social security
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Disease Registry Data

Term DiseaseRegistryData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Disease Registry Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:MedicalRegistryDataeu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:MedicalRegistryDataeu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:MedicalRegistryDataeu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health data from medical registries for specific diseases
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Electronic Health Record Manufacturer

Term EHRManufacturer Prefix eu-ehds
Label Electronic Health Record Manufacturer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Definition Actor that manufactures electronic health records
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Electronic Health Record Supplier

Term EHRSupplier Prefix eu-ehds
Label Electronic Health Record Supplier
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Definition Actor that supplies electronic health records
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Electronic Health Record (EHR)

Term ElectronicHealthRecord Prefix eu-ehds
Label Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:HealthRecordpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:HealthRecordpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:HealthRecordpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health record
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Ensure Quality and Safety of Healthcare

Term EnsureQualitySafetyHealthcare Prefix eu-ehds
Label Ensure Quality and Safety of Healthcare
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PublicInterestRelatedToHealthdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with ensuring high levels of quality and safety of healthcare
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Ensure Quality and Safety of Medical Devices

Term EnsureQualitySafetyMedicalDevices Prefix eu-ehds
Label Ensure Quality and Safety of Medical Devices
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PublicInterestRelatedToHealthdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with ensuring high levels of quality and safety of medical devices
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Ensure Quality and Safety of Medicinal Products

Term EnsureQualitySafetyMedicinalProducts Prefix eu-ehds
Label Ensure Quality and Safety of Medicinal Products
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PublicInterestRelatedToHealthdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with ensuring high levels of quality and safety of medicinal products
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Environmental Data

Term EnvironmentalData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Environmental Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about environmental data impacting on health
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Genomic Data

Term GenomicData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Genomic Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Geneticpd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Geneticpd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Geneticpd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about genomic data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Health-related Administrative Data

Term HealthAdminData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health-related Administrative Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health-related administrative data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Healthcare Provider

Term HealthcareProvider Prefix eu-ehds
Label Healthcare Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition An entity that provides healthcare-related services
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Healthcare Scientific Research

Term HealthcareScientificResearch Prefix eu-ehds
Label Healthcare Scientific Research
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ScientificResearchdpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with healthcare scientific research
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Health Data Access Body

Term HealthDataAccessBody Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health Data Access Body
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalEntitydpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasParty, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, eu-gdpr:hasEstablishment, eu-gdpr:hasMainEstablishment, eu-gdpr:isMainEstablishmentFor
Definition An entity governed by public law responsible for granting access to electronic health data for secondary use
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Health Professional

Term HealthProfessional Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health Professional
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition An entity that works as a health professional
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Health Professional Data

Term HealthProfessionalData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health Professional Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:HealthRecordpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:HealthRecordpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:HealthRecordpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about the identity of the health professionals involved in the treatment of the person
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Health Questionnaire

Term HealthQuestionnaire Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health Questionnaire
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health data from questionnaires
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Health Registry Data

Term HealthRegistryData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health Registry Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about registries of health data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Health Survey

Term HealthSurvey Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health Survey
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health data from surveys
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Improve Healthcare Education

Term ImproveHealthcareEducation Prefix eu-ehds
Label Improve Healthcare Education
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ImprovePublicServicesdpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving the provision of healthcare education
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Inferred Health Data

Term InferredHealthData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Inferred Health Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types dpv:InferredPersonalDatadpv:DerivedPersonalDatadpv:DerivedDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types dpv:InferredPersonalDatadpv:DerivedPersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types dpv:InferredPersonalDatadpv:InferredDatadpv:DerivedDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about inferred health data, including improvements such as correction, annotation, or enrichment based on authorised processing operations
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Lifestyle Data

Term LifestyleData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Lifestyle Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Behavioralpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about lifestyle
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Medical Devices Data

Term MedicalDevicesData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Medical Devices Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health data from medical devices
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Medical Devices Registry Data

Term MedicalDevicesRegistryData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Medical Devices Registry Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health data from registries for medical devices
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Medical Registry Data

Term MedicalRegistryData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Medical Registry Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health data from medical registries
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Medicinal Products Registry Data

Term MedicinalProductsRegistryData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Medicinal Products Registry Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about electronic health data from registries for medicinal products
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Pathogen Genomic Data

Term PathogenGenomicData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Pathogen Genomic Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:NonPersonalData
Broader/Parent types dpv:NonPersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData
Definition Information about relevant pathogen genomic data, impacting on human health
Usage Note This is classified as non-personal data according to EHDS Recital 39
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Personalised Healthcare

Term PersonalisedHealthcare Prefix eu-ehds
Label Personalised Healthcare
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ImproveHealthcaredpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with providing personalised healthcare
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Person Generated Wellness Application Data

Term PersonGenegeratedWellnessAppData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Person Generated Wellness Application Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthAppDataeu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthAppDataeu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthAppDataeu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about person generated wellness applications data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Person Generated Health Application Data

Term PersonGeneratedHealthAppData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Person Generated Health Application Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about person generated digital health applications data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Person Generated Health Data

Term PersonGeneratedHealthData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Person Generated Health Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about person generated electronic health data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Person Generated Medical Devices Data

Term PersonGeneratedMedicalDevice Prefix eu-ehds
Label Person Generated Medical Devices Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PersonGeneratedHealthDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about person generated medical devices data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Protect against Cross-border Threats to Health

Term ProtectAgainstCrossBorderThreatsToHealth Prefix eu-ehds
Label Protect against Cross-border Threats to Health
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PublicInterestRelatedToHealthdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with the protection against serious cross-border threats to health
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Proteomic Data

Term ProteomicData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Proteomic Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Geneticpd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Geneticpd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Geneticpd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about proteomic data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Provide Healthcare Official Statistics

Term ProvideHealthcareOfficialStatistics Prefix eu-ehds
Label Provide Healthcare Official Statistics
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ProvideOfficialStatisticsdpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with facilitating the development, production and dissemination of reliable official statistics related to health or care sectors
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Public Health Registry Data

Term PublicHealthRegistryData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Public Health Registry Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthRegistryDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about registries of public health data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Public Health Surveillance

Term PublicHealthSurveillance Prefix eu-ehds
Label Public Health Surveillance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:PublicInterestRelatedToHealthdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with public health surveillance
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Public Interest related to Health

Term PublicInterestRelatedToHealth Prefix eu-ehds
Label Public Interest related to Health
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with pursuing activities for reasons of public interest in the area of public and occupational health
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Health-related Reimbursement Data

Term ReimbursementData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Health-related Reimbursement Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthAdminDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthAdminDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:HealthAdminDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health-related reimbursement data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Research Cohort Data

Term ResearchCohortData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Research Cohort Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:StudyDatapd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health data from research cohorts
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Social Data

Term SocialData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Social Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:Healthpd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about social data impacting on health
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Study Data

Term StudyData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Study Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthdpv:SpecialCategoryPersonalDatadpv:SensitivePersonalDatadpv:SensitiveDatadpv:Data
Broader/Parent types pd:MedicalHealthpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about health data from studies, e.g. clinical trials, research cohorts, ...
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS

Support Authorities in Regulatory Activities

Term SupportAuthoritiesRegulatoryActivities Prefix eu-ehds
Label Support Authorities in Regulatory Activities
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalCompliancedpv:FulfilmentOfObligationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with supporting authorities to carry out their regulatory tasks
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Technology Distributor

Term TechnologyDistributor Prefix eu-ehds
Label Technology Distributor
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that distributes Technology
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Technology Importer

Term TechnologyImporter Prefix eu-ehds
Label Technology Importer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that imports Technology
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Technology Manufacturer

Term TechnologyManufacturer Prefix eu-ehds
Label Technology Manufacturer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that manufactures Technology
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Technology Supplier

Term TechnologySupplier Prefix eu-ehds
Label Technology Supplier
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that supplies Technology
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Train, Test and Evaluate AI Systems Algorithms

Term TrainTestAndEvaluateAISystemsAlgorithms Prefix eu-ehds
Label Train, Test and Evaluate AI Systems Algorithms
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAlgorithmsdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with training, testing and evaluating algorithms in AI systems
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Train, Test and Evaluate Health-related Algorithms

Term TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAlgorithms Prefix eu-ehds
Label Train, Test and Evaluate Health-related Algorithms
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with training, testing and evaluating health-related algorithms
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Train, Test and Evaluate Health Apps Algorithms

Term TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAppsAlgorithms Prefix eu-ehds
Label Train, Test and Evaluate Health Apps Algorithms
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAlgorithmsdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with training, testing and evaluating algorithms in digital health applications
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Train, Test and Evaluate Medical Devices Algorithms

Term TrainTestAndEvaluateMedicalDevicesAlgorithms Prefix eu-ehds
Label Train, Test and Evaluate Medical Devices Algorithms
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAlgorithmsdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with training, testing and evaluating algorithms in medical devices
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section PURPOSES in EU-EHDS

Wellness App Manufacturer

Term WellnessAppManufacturer Prefix eu-ehds
Label Wellness App Manufacturer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Definition Actor that manufactures wellness apps
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Wellness App Supplier

Term WellnessAppSupplier Prefix eu-ehds
Label Wellness App Supplier
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types eu-ehds:TechnologySuppliertech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasActiveEntity, dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasNonInvolvedEntity, dpv:hasPassiveEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that supplies wellness apps
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section ENTITIES in EU-EHDS

Wellness Data

Term WellnessData Prefix eu-ehds
Label Wellness Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:PersonalData
Broader/Parent types pd:Behavioralpd:Externaldpv:PersonalDatadpv:Data
Object of relation dpv:hasData, dpv:hasPersonalData
Definition Information about wellness
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves
See More: section DATA in EU-EHDS


The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:


Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Beatriz Esteves have received funding through the PROTECT ITN Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813497. Beatriz Esteves is funded by SolidLab Vlaanderen (Flemish Government, EWI and RRF project VV023/10), and by the imec.icon project PACSOI (HBC.2023.0752) which was co-financed by imec and VLAIO.

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.